Friday, August 26, 2011

Dan Snow Receives First Medal from Japan

Dan Snow wants what any young man in his twenties wants: independence. Habitat for Humanity helped him with that wish and M4M recognized the race he's been running with Muscular Dystrophy and his road to home ownership. The medal presented to Dan was from the Tango 100k - one of over 150 + medals received from Japan's running community & Yoshiko Jo.

The 8,958 miles the Tango 100k medal traveled to Dan's new home truly symbolizes his 4-year race to home ownership and living with MD.

Thanks again to our running friends in Japan!

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Japan Runners Gift 150+ medals

Some of the 150 + medals Yoshiko Jo collected from Japan's running community during her summer visit. More details to follow including the first medal from this donation presented yesterday to a young man with MD living his life to the fullest! A big Thanks to our Japanese running friends!!

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Mercy Home for Boys

Chicago Chapter did a 60 medal presentation to the Mercy Home for Boys. The medals were presented to the Director of Special Events who is going to use the medals for special accomplishments such as: completing internships, sports related achievements and academics. These children have gone through many life challenges already. Some of them have both parents incarcerated or gone, were sold into prostitution, had previous gang activity and/or are complete orphans. Mercy Home's goal is to provide these children with a safe haven, have them graduate high school and hopefully on to secondary education. I was really grateful for the opportunity to work with them and to have these medals as a motivation to keep these boys focused on their goals.