Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Relay for Life

"Each year, more than 4 million people in over 20 countries raise much-needed funds and awareness to save lives from cancer through the Relay For Life movement."

Eileen, our Chicago assistant presented cancer survivors with M4M medals upon completion of their portion of the relay!!!  Appreciate all of Eileen's efforts on the S Side of Chicago

Orchard Village Medal Donation

So grateful that I was actually able to be part of this medal presentation. Too many times there are scheduling conflicts or distance issues but this opportunity was in my hometown and such a blessing to be so close. 

Orchard Village is a group that empowers "persons with developmental challenges to achieve fulfilled lives in the community. To accomplish this, we proudly partner with families, neighbors, caregivers, businesses and individuals to provide community-integrated residential, vocational, educational and in-home services for our customers. Working together, everybody benefits. The result: a winning partnership...a caring compact...a warm and mutual embrace."    

They held their first 5K Run/3K Walk this past month and many of their residents and participants participated in the walk.  They were so excited to get medals as they crossed the finish line. It is seeing the the joy on their face that makes me know this organization makes a different in peoples lives.